Education Institutions

Education Institutions
Education institutes around the world are now recognizing the importance of mental well-being. Research shows that mental health promotion programmes such as Social and Emotional Learning, Accelerated Learning etc. can be effective in equipping children with the life skills and help them improve on their academic results.
Studies indicate that the whole-school approach is the most effective approach to mental health promotion. This involves students, school staff, parents as well as key community groups.
It gives me immense pleasure to introduce and propose a social and emotional wellness learning curriculum for those institutions that never shies away from bringing in revolutionary concepts ensuing considerable changes to uplift the education in their respective regions.
Integrating social, emotional and academic learning
In a world where academic skills are often viewed as the priority, social-emotional skill development may not always be on the forefront., however research has shown that social-emotional skills are crucial for children to become successful both socially and academically. Social and Emotional learning helps in acquisition of skills to recognize and manage emotions, develop care and concern for others, make responsible decisions, establish positive relationships, and handle challenging situations effectively and having positive social and emotional skills is important throughout life and can have an impact on how they function at home, school and in the community.

Promoting mental well being for the students and the teachers while strengthening parent-school partnerships
The social and emotional wellness learning curriculum combines cutting-edge research and indispensable proficiency facilitating core skills including goal-setting, problem-solving, resilience, optimistic thinking, character strength development, emotional intelligence, social connections, and self-confidence amongst the students. The said program also works around strong parent-school partnerships and begets cognisance through parents and teacher workshops which also are critical to students’ social and emotional well-being.

1.OPTION 1 (36 Sessions spread over an academic year)
24 Workshops put together with 12 follow up sessions spread over the academic year to be conducted thrice a month with an intent to revolve around the key domains and drawn on the topics by design on the same.
Social-emotional development and emotional or mental wellness is profoundly influenced by the external environment and the quality of relationships we have in that environment. The wellness curriculum congregate resources while engaging teachers and parents toward the goals of academic and life success of the students through the following
4 Workshops for Class from I – XII students (some may include play way group students) designed around the key domains of social and emotional skills while adhering to assemblage requisites
6 Workshops designed for the teachers including their mental well being concerns, organisational goal setting and motivation etc.
8 Workshops designed for the parents spread over the year on quarterly basis strengthening the school and parents partnership fostering the positive mental health and making meaningful contributions to their children.
12 Follow up sessions in terms of school spot visits, in regards to the wellness curriculum impact and identifying coaching structures if required.
2.OPTION 2 (Individual workshops)
Workshops from time to time to stimulate mental well-being and life skills among students while integrating teachers and parents’ involvement in the same.
Investing in expanding the core capabilities for your students speaks volumes about the management’s vision engaging education elements in a continuous, and mindful, lifelong learning strategy.
Kindly get in touch for the cost of the program which surely is trivial as compared to the vital outcomes of the program.
Social and emotional learning is one of the most significant ways and means to stimulate student success in all spheres and can be used as an effective school reform. I look forward to work with your institution that is always looking out for acuities in their quest to provide educational intervention and practical strategies to improve the quality of education.